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They don't have it in them

Friday 2/28/25

"Why are you calling me?" usually sounds accusatory but it can just be a question. The person hearing it is almost certain to hear it as an accusation, though.

A reason why there is so much corruption in so many things now is because it's harder and harder for people to try to halt what is wrong because that requires being a (somewhat) strong individual who does the right thing when most conclude that it is easier not to.

Who in publishing is going to stand up for what is right or stand against what is very wrong? No one save myself. They are going to roll with it. Be a part of it. Roll as far as that will take them with it.

But the thing is, it won't get you anywhere. It won't even get you paid--or not for much longer. The only way to truly get anywhere, even in publishing, is by doing the right thing and standing up and for the right things. Halting the roll you are on.

How are the likes of a Raluca Albu, someone so typical of people in publishing--and about whom and what she's doing now will soon be forthcoming-- going to do that? Katie Raissian?

They don't have it in them.

They roll with the corruption. And if they weren't themselves corrupt to start, they become corrupt.

A significant adjustment in a new story conceived of and written this week here in the earliest portion--it is not yet 1 AM--of the new day. Other changes followed. I may not have much more to do now. This is a major, major work that is the story of right now which will be as relevant in 5025 as it is with happening presently in the world in 2025. I hit on something big.

Going back into it today, when anyone else would have been done and beside themselves that they could produce such a thing, I said to myself, "You know, you could do this. You take this out at the start, just get it out of there, change what has to be changed up front as a result, then here and there throughout, and the payoff later will hit that much harder."

I like things like that. That I'm going to become aware of them and make it happen.

The ring of the eternal. There it fucking is with this story. And it is established immediately.

Filled the tea kettle, boiled the water, put three green tea bags in one glass bottle that used to contain cranberry juice from Trader Joe's, and three peppermint tea bags in another, poured the water into both, topped off off the second bottle with water from the tap (the cold water knob of which now leaks). Middle of the night prep for the things I will drink for my heart as I keep going.

You can go months without seeing a single thing on social media that isn't stupid. But with that being said, you'll sometimes encounter something so stupid that it almost negates any commentary on how stupid it is because there'd be so much to get into. And it will usually come from someone who calls themselves a coach of some sort, like they're this life guru. To wit:

"If you wouldn't trade lives with them, their opinion doesn't matter."

And this is someone saying a lot about the world and what they are without knowing it:

"Unfortunately my future wife isn’t on a dating app, she’s at home with her comfort shows on as background noise while dissociating just like I am. We will never meet and I love her for that"

Everywhere, everywhere, nothing but nullity.

If you can't talk without having to say "you know"--you know, you know, you know--you shouldn't be on TV or the radio or a podcast. Greg Bedard. There should be, you know, standards, a very basic one, you know, being, you know, speaking well.

A good question is also a meaningful statement. People don't have good questions now. They ask what they ask because they have nothing else to say and because they think their interchangeable, stock questions are a necessity of getting something they want. It's just feeding tokens into the machine.

People are now so prone to making excuses that they'd have an excuse for not having an excuse.

No one actually cares a jot what Wayne Gretzky believes or doesn't believe politically. Anyone interested in Wayne Gretzky is interested in him solely because of his hockey career. Before, we used to go to the theater; now everyone just performs outrage and always casts themselves in the lead part.

Publicly speculating on how someone died is ghoulish. It's how someone acts when life is no longer life for them and instead everything has become a simulacrum for life. The click and the post has replaced reality and precluded the processing of it and the living within it. They are gone and lost at that point. They will never return.

When the point of money is just to own it then there is no real point to that money. You see these people with hundreds of billions of dollars. What could you possibly do with that? They're not using it to help anyone, and even if you had so many interests and wanted to spend your money on those things, you'd only need a fraction of that money. A drop of it. You'd still have enough money for whatever your interests were, even if your interests were collecting, I don't know, Picassos and Van Goghs. I don't believe these people are doing it for their family when they're gone. I don't think they care about anyone in most cases. And it shouldn't be like that anyway. It's great to be supported, but you don't want to not have a reason to go out and become your own things.

Are eggs that big of a deal to people? I never eat eggs. They're high in cholesterol.

I ran 3000 stairs at City Hall on both Monday and Tuesday, then five circuits of stairs in the Monument on Wednesday and Thursday. Finished in the Monument yesterday, get to the bottom, and this guy who was probably twenty years younger than I am--though you wouldn't know it--asks, "Is it worth the climb?" That kind of thing sickens me. I won't even answer. Just looked right through this lazy fuck. Admittedly, I end up doing quite a bit of that at the Monument.

Bruins lost again last night, in regulation this time, so they didn't even get the point. Another loss for Swayman. They are not going to be good again for some time, I fear. They will have to move on from quite a few players and their current nucleus. And they'll need to get out from under this ridiculous contract they gave a goalie who may very well not be an NHL starter.

Downloaded Smokey Robinson and the Miracles' Going to a Go-Go and the expanded version of Sun Ra's Jazz in Silhouette, the original version of which I wrote a feature about for JazzTimes and that will be in The Root of the Chord: Writings on Jazz's Essential Power and Artistry.


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