Friday 2/7/25
Anyone who ever addresses others as "my followers" is a bad human being and should always be avoided. They are trash and bad news. Only trash will be okay with being addressed in this fashion, and that trash will be accepting of themselves as being lower than the trash--in the hierarchical pecking order of these things--addressing people as "my followers" and writing the likes of, "For all of my followers..."
That is someone who is all about themselves. Someone shallow. Someone delusional. Of no substance. Who has no clue what substance even is.
People are almost always staring at their phones. They perpetually check their phones. What percent of people do you think go so much as twenty minutes at any point of their waking day without checking their phone? I bet it's less than ten percent. It might be less than two. Put some age restrictions in their. What percentage of people between the ages of whenever they get their first phone--somewhere in the teen years--and sixty do you think go twenty minutes at any point in any day without checking their phone?
What are they checking for? Do you think they're making sure if they have Proust's birth year correct in their head as they ponder the chronology of developments in French fiction? Probably not, yes?
They're checking for attention, usually. What attention is being paid to them. Who contacted them? Who didn't? Did they score some likes? How about some followers?
In our world, everything comes back to us. We are the prisms through which everything else goes. What does it have to do with me? is how we think. Me me me me me me. As that "me" becomes increasingly valueless. Hackneyed. Bereft of knowledge, depth, individuality, courage, decency, concern for anyone else.
Where am I going with this? I will tell you. I saw today where someone complained that they'd texted someone they were getting to know--in the romantic sense--at ten in the AM, and then by the end of the day, they hadn't heard back.
How do you think this went? If the person they hadn't heard back from was a woman, then the women who saw such a thing were bound to complain about the other person if they were a man and say patently false things about being busy and the tasks of the day, and on and on and on.
But: That person would have been checking her phone near constantly, because that how we are now. If someone is not replying to someone else, it's not because they didn't see what there was to reply to. It's because they were up to something. They were screwing with you, they were being passive aggressive, it was some power thing, they have you way down in the pecking order of who and what they want attention from.
It's not because they didn't have time, it's not because they're so industrious, it's a direct comment on how they feel about you and how they feel they can treat you. Because they saw it. They then made a decision that you were not worth those three seconds to respond to them.
That's what's happening. Don't search for reasons. They are responding to other people. They're pleased to see those likes coming in. They're looking at the dumbest shit. This isn't an enigma.
What you then do with this information is up to you. If you wished, you could do the same thing to them. But then you're doing that. Unfortunately, I'm not sure you can be an honorable, good person in this world and find another honorable, good person who treats you as you try to treat them. If communication and being a stand-up person and accountability is paramount for you, you might be SOL. Or it certainly can feel that way.
But yeah: What you sent is being seen. Fast. As in, right away, or damn close to it. Whether you're a man, a woman, a teen. It's being seen. A decision is then being made. If someone thinks they can get away with treating you a given way because you're such a good person and you're not flaky or flighty because you believe in being an adult and communication, chances are that that's what they'll do. If you say, "Screw this, I don't need this kind of person in my life," the real bitch of this reality is that you're apt to have no one in your life. Because this is how people are now. Especially people that aren't from the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s even.
If you are a communication-first person, others will typically put you last. And it's not because they have better stuff in front of you.
The irony is that just about everyone becomes some form of miserable, isolated, and alone, whether they're physically alone or not. It amounts to the same thing emotionally and spiritually.
There are exceptions. There are always exceptions. Or almost always. So relax. You needn't be like, "He must die! How dare he attribute this to me indirectly! I've had good reasons!"
I grant, too, that there may be mitigating factors. Depression, which is now rampant (what a shock), for instance. And anxiety, which is also rampant, for instance. But don't forget: People are far more busy saying that they're busy than they actually are being busy. Don't brainstorm excuses--in most cases--for anyone. Because the truth usually is that, for whatever reason, they didn't want to respond to you, or acknowledge you. They probably saw, though, what you sent before you put down the phone yourself.