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Probably no Michelin stars

Wednesday 9/4/24

There's an episode of the radio program Gunsmoke where Matt Dillon (William Conrad), talking to Chester (Parley Baer), makes a comment about fear and panic. He says that when someone's scared, they might still be thinking, but when someone's panicking, they usually can't. It's a sound observation.

I wrote a story yesterday. It needs a great deal of work. It is a mess. It's more like a pile right now. We'll see what we can do.

Yesterday I ran 3000 stairs at City Hall and did 200 push-ups. Then it was 100 push-ups today, walked three miles, did five circuits of stairs in the Monument starting when it opened at ten and was at CVS by eleven back in the North End in time to get my COVID vaccine. I have seen many people moan about how ill this made them. How they were sick, then in bed, slept for all of these hours. Is everyone lying? Is everyone this soft? Is everyone this sickly? It's something.

The Red Sox are now closer to being in last place in the AL East than they are having that final Wild Card spot. They are tied with the Tigers in the standings. Another great season, Boston. Looks like an honest attempt was made to field the best possible team. I'm sure that was a good faith effort. What a piss poor product John Henry slaps out there every year. 17-27 since the All-Star break. Atrocious. Kansas City has lost like seven in a row and the Red Sox still aren't any closer to a playoff spot.

The Red Sox are catching no heat right now because people here are abuzz about the Patriots, even though the Patriots are going to be bad. (Question: Do they not know this? Follow-up: Do they care if they do?)

It's not a coincidence that as Americans get ever stupider that football becomes ever more popular.

Saw that BC was twenty-seventh in the AP poll. I'd slow down with that kind of thing. They had a great game the other night. That was probably the best I've seen a Boston College team look in twenty years. But it was one game from a program that's been pretty bad for a while now.

Google alerts me to all of these articles for centenarians. Who are centenarians? People who live to 100. I'm into this, frankly. I'm very serious about living past 100. And I don't want to get there and die shortly thereafter. That's not what I'm looking to do either.

Yesterday I was reading this article about things centenarians tend to do and eat. On the doing side (lots of exercise, no smoking, no drinking), I was in good shape, save when it said, "All centenarians avoid stress."

Well, that's not going to happen, is it? At least not until I'm out of this situation. But I do a lot of what I do because of this stress and my knowledge of that stress. I'm actively trying to offset it with other health choices.

When I read through things that centenarian don't eat or drink, I was golden. As far as what they eat, there was a lot of stuff that's not in my diet. Lean fish? How am I going to do that right now? That's unrealistic.

Olive oil was big. I didn't have any, so I went out and got some olive oil (extra virgin), which is what I'll now put on my kale.

My mom was like, "You need to have a balsamic vinegar and you mix them."

I mix them? Fuck that, man. I'm not mixing anything or doing two things for one plate of kale. I'm putting olive oil on the kale and that's the end of it. I'm not looking to win any Michelin stars here in the Zulu Bistro. I got the kind they sell at CVS. Gold Emblem.

Centenarians drink a lot of tea, but I bet they don't drink as much tea as I do, nor as many kinds. I pound tea. A lot of it goes into me every day. Remember my mantra: Drink your way to health! Tea is a big part of that.

Have a bunch of film pieces to get done and get out the door. I need to do so much better with everything. Try so much harder. I'm not giving anywhere near as much as I can in terms of my effort. At some point I'm going to write on here, "I went all out today," but I'm not going to say it before it's true.


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