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Let me help you cheat, a main tenet, worm chasm

Tuesday 9/24/24


I'm a cheating coach. I help cheaters find maximum fulfillment in their infidelities, turn guilt into healthy self-respect, and get away with it so that he/she/they will never know. Whether you're cheating with one person or fifty, let's work together and let me help you get the most out of your cheating ways because you deserve to fuck as many people as you want if they're willing. You aren't doing anything wrong if you're doing cheating right!

It's coming.

There are no morals in our society. There are pretend morals, but that's just bad people adopting phrases and poses to trick others into thinking they're not bad people so they can get things (attention, credit, likes, followers, money, gigs). Character requires clear eyes, strength, conviction, and courage, so there's none of that. The above will happen. We are doing away with right and wrong. All is permissible if it can be made to present a certain way and enjoins the god of the algorithm.

Here is one of the main tenets of our society:

If I say I'm a given thing then I am that given thing, no matter what it is, unless it's like a professional athlete. Just saying I'm something makes it true, and if anyone doesn't accept my insanity as clear-headed, totally reasonable thinking and credit me as being this thing--no, the purest embodiment of this thing--then there is hell to pay and after all, we're here to lie to ourselves and lie to everyone else who is as delusional and broken as us, right?

Insta-reality! If you say it, it becomes true.

However many people--millions, billions, whatever--in some chasm. Covered in slime. Indistinguishable from each other. Featureless. Just these slime worms. Mouths open, heads tilted upwards, seeking to be fed attention. The people who go anywhere in our world are those who are best at getting attention. All of the slime worms are the same. None have any ability to do anything. Ability isn't just being born with talent. It's working one's entire life to develop, grow, and master--and keep growing--that talent. This can't be done by looking to anyone else or following anyone else or doing anything as anyone else does. It comes entirely from within. And in how one perceives the world and consolidates that meaning internally.

If you go, for instance, to an MFA program, I know that there is virtually no chance you will ever be capable of writing anything of any value for the world. If you ever even thought to go to such a thing, you won't. It's not in you. That would never enter the mind of someone who can create something of value for the world. You will not learn or grow in any system but your own.

Everything now is homogenized. There's no individuality. People are not strong enough to be individuals. An individual reinforces himself. It would be nice to have reinforcement from others--and many others--but for legitimate reasons. Valid reasons. That's a different discussion, though.

My point is that systems, especially now, are tiered lip service factories. Words are sought--the saying of certain phrases. But legitimate meaning--words that speak truths--are not. Think of it like an empty brown bag. You were handed the empty brown bag. Check! All done here. That's what you came for.

Truth and meaning is the content of the brown bag, but all of these sacks are empty. People just collect empty brown bags. That is the nature of something like an MFA program. That is the nature of MFA writing. Empty brown bags. None of it means anything. The bag is a symbol. A signifier that this was gotten, given, said. It's just a sign. A finger pointing. But ultimately it's a finger pointing at nothing. Think of it like spray painting the air. There's still nothing there.


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