Thursday 9/8/22
We've talked about David Remnick of The New Yorker a number of times in these pages, and we'll continue to do so. Earlier I had made a remark that when David Remnick fired Jeffrey Toobin for masturbating to his colleagues while on a Zoom meeting, that Remnick was actually dismissing Toobin for the least of his offenses, which is a remarkable statement, right? Remnick is a talentless fraud who prides himself on trying to show that he's this great person. Note any New Yorker press release for a new hire, or when someone takes another job. He plays up the moral angle, this acutely bad person. I went to The New Yorker's offices for a meeting, and an editor there went on at some length--as this editor was wont to do--about the emphasis that Remnick puts in morality. Which is a joke. A bad joke. Let me put this this way: When Remnick fired Toobin for his onscreen masturbation, Toobin--and this is mind-blowing--would have had real occasion to be surprised and to feel that he'd been betrayed by Remnick. Why? Because Remnick had already countenanced much worse worse behavior from Toobin, and was fully aware of that behavior. He fired him not because he'd done something wrong, or wrong enough to be fired, so far as Remnick was concerned, which we can see what David Remnick found acceptable with Jeffrey Toobin, morality-wise. He fired him because Toobin became a punchline. It was embarrassing. It wasn't for any other reason.
We've talked about how Toobin had--and presumably still does--a penchant for asking women--including women he didn't know, or had followed home--if he might fist them. This married man with children. Go ahead: pop on over to Google and type in "Jeffrey Toobin and fisting." Or, if you prefer, "Jeffrey Toobin and anal fisting."
Pretty big public record, right?
So: not a secret. Remnick knew. But it wasn't becoming a punchline. It hadn't manifested as anything embarrassing enough for David Remnick. That's all someone like Remnick cares about. He has no honor. There's no moral code. This is a bad person. Later I'll put up some emails from him, and you can judge for yourself. You can watch the most pretentious man you've ever witnessed insult me, condescend to me, and try to bully me, and then you can watch that man get punched back--figuratively--in the face, and retreat like the groveling, talentless fraud that he is. He had already told his employees to "handle" me. Anything they had to do, just so long as not to include my work. Work that is far better--and every kind of work--than anything the magazine's writers put forward. Just for today's laugh, let's look at this story from Diane Williams, which is awful, and which no one can defend as anything but awful, though we'll circle back to it later in its own post. Who writes worse than these people? Seriously? What writing is worse than these examples I show you? That's an amazing work of fiction? Do you think so? Of course you don't, because it is impossible for anyone to truly think so.
We've seen how he stole a jazz idea from me. This moral paragon. But here's something else that's worse than the Zoom masturbating, and that was when Toobin impregnated the daughter of one of his CNN colleagues. This gets worse. Not only did this married man who followed women home asking if he could fist them impregnate his peer's daughter, he then denied paternity, after she wouldn't do what he wished and get an abortion. He had to be ordered into a paternity test. Sure enough, the child was his. But Toobin wasn't done. He then didn't make his child support payments, and the mother had to sue him.
Now, Remnick knew all of this. This man who thinks I'm the devil, for the single reason that I am everything he is not, with talents he will never possess, who is also of an entirely different moral character. That's how far the savage envy of someone like this goes.
These are pretty bad things, right? But Remnick was okay with them. So if you were Toobin, you'd know that what you'd done was worse than your visible self-stroking session, bad as that was. Think about this, too: This is what we know about. And here's a rule in life: What you don't know about is always far worse than what you do, with these things. Toobin actually could have actually felt betrayed, considering what had been deemed okay. Or at least fine for David Remnick.
