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Heat index, thumped Sox, deserted Trader Joe's, mom's trip

Sunday 7/7/24

I'm going to have to get to the Monument right when it opens today to have any chance of doing stairs inside of it. They shut it down when the heat index reaches a certain point, and it looks like that is going to happen fairly early today.

The Yankees blew out the Red Sox yesterday after the Sox had what might have been their best victory of the season in the series opener Thursday night. The rubber match is tonight. Kind of a big game for these upstart Sox. I was at the Brattle yesterday but I was checking the score regularly. The Sox were down 1-1, then it was tied, then I think they went up 3-1, then it was tied again, then they went up, and when I checked next it was 10-4 Yankees. I guess it says something about how I feel about the Red Sox and how I've always felt about them that I'm checking the score of the game in the darkness while a French film is playing. I'd rather see them with something to play for than anything else with any Boston team. As much as I love all of the Boston teams, it is the Red Sox who are truly in my blood.

I went to Trader Joe's Friday afternoon and it was as empty as I've ever seen it. There were maybe a half dozen people in the store. Had to have something to do with it being the day after the Fourth. Are people just that hung over or whatever at one o'clock?

My mother went away to Wisconsin for a couple of days over the holiday. She was invited to a birthday party and was very hesitant to go. Not because she didn't want to be there but something seems to have happened back with COVID. She drove less and then has become more reluctant to drive anywhere new. A friend of hers told her she needs to get out of her comfort zone. This friend is in her eighties and she goes wherever, no hesitation. She's a very nice lady. My sister said something along the same lines.

I tried to reach my mom for a couple days and couldn't. I knew she was getting ready but also likely worrying. Finally I got a hold of her on the day she was to leave. I thought she should have been gone already but my sister said she hadn't left. Her voice sounded small at first on the phone. I knew she was scared about the drive, and that she didn't know anyone. These things have always been hard, too, since my dad died. I thought she might not go. When things get down to it, people will listen to me. I'm the final authority for them. That's why sometimes people will contact me when they're at a loss or they don't think anyone else can help. So I gave her a spirited pep talk and she went and had a good time.


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