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Fitness stuff

Tuesday 9/10/24

I've been lax in logging fitness-related things. I'll be general but also cover everything more or less. Been out there every day. Still haven't missed a day since the winter. Did five circuits of stairs inside of the Monument Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday (I already noted Monday, with the Monument being open because it was Labor Day, but in my mind I counted that with the prior week). On Saturday it was ten circuits in one hour. That's good. You're deep in Zulu territory if that's what you're doing. If you don't believe me, try it some time and see how far you can get.

That same day I walked six miles, did 200 push-ups, and three planks. Every other day I've for this period I've done 100 push-ups. On the Monument days I walk the mile-and-a-half there and back. Each day since Saturday I've done three planks. Yesterday I did a quick 1000 stairs at City Hall. Today it was 3000, but I took the stairs two-at-a-time each time going up for the first time. The first time doing them all that way, I mean. Not out of breath in the least. I'm getting fitter, stronger.

I've done 110 Monument circuits since the kids were here. Last Monday and Tuesday I was also out there at City Hall. Did I mention both of those days? Sunday marked 2982 days, or 426 weeks, without a drink. You pick up on certain things as your level of fitness keeps increasing. I'll walk up a bunch of stairs like at the Government Center T and I'll notice at the top that my mouth remained closed and I have no need to open it to breathe and as I carry up a couple bags from Trader Joe's to boot. I never take the escalator.


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