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Everything wrong with publishing: A letter to Eric Gibson of The Wall Street Journal

Tuesday 6/4/24

This will escalate from here, but let's get things started with The Wall Street Journal with a letter sent to editor Eric Gibson on June 1, 2024, after years of incompetence, childishness, unprofessionalism, toxic behavior, and bullying, in addition to a multi-year nightmare created by The Wall Street Journal in misreporting my 2019 income with them by almost a quarter of a million dollars to the IRS (while sending me a completely different 1099-misc form) that subsequently created a new nightmare with the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, which Eric Gibson had the gall, the mind-blowing arrogance, to make a crack about at my expense years into my suffering in trying to deal with this issue into which I've sunk easily 100 hours of my time, when I already work twenty hours a day, seven days a week, to say nothing about the toil this has taken on me and my health, with the amount of stress involved, while being locked out by the editorial department because I asked opinion editor James Taranto to stop talking to me in the inappropriate, debasing way which he did with regularity.

I took this for years. And with Gibson, even after his crack, I politely sent along my ideas, knowing full well what was happening. I kept trying.

I'm not a confrontational person. But you do not get to defecate down my throat indefinitely. You do not get to discriminate against me indefinitely. You don't get to practice any of your twisted machinations against me indefinitely. All of which means we start here with The Wall Street Journal.


"So now I have a MA tax collector saying they're going to be taking $16,000 out of my bank account because of the incompetence of you people. I've had all I'm going to take here. This either stops now and is redressed and fixed to my satisfaction, or here's what I'm going to do.


"You think I don't know what you've been doing? I have a popular blog that documents corruption, theft, bigotry, incompetence, etc. in publishing. Names the names. I've given you--and James Taranto--every chance to stop with the nonsense. And in addition to the vile treatment towards me over the years, I've had to deal with this nightmare tax situation--which you had the gall to chide me about, as you bragged at the same time about your company's ability to fix issues with the federal and state government that your company created.


"You think I don't know that Taranto, who is unbalanced, petty, and vindictive, who treated me poorly in email after email, for years, told you to lock me out? And you were like, 'Sure, I'll do that'? All because I politely asked him not to speak to me as he did. This man who once abraded me for asking how he was.


"I see these music pieces you publish, and they're bad, and it's very easy to show that they're bad. I mention music, because you're clearly out of your depth with it. I used the phrase 'chops' in a piece, and you revealed your ignorance in telling me that this was not formal enough for The Wall Street Journal, this term that is simply the term and is accepted in the driest of academic texts. It's like 'jam session.' This, from the same man, who boasted to me that had I not 'gone it alone'--a completely incorrect presumption on your part--with this tax issue, then the wonderful Wall Street Journal would have handled the matter for me 'pronto.' And it's very easy to put excerpts from those pieces against my work on something like my blog, for everyone to see the axiomatic difference in quality between them, before we get into the career and track record of a writer who is well beyond overqualified to be in that section regularly, if it's actually about the work to any degree.


"You work with someone else who once yelled at me for addressing him by his first name, and then turned around and asked me to send him naked photos of myself and to call him 'uncle.'


"And I'm going to name that name, too. I have all of these emails, and I'm going to put them out there. I'm going to put it all out there. 


"Fix this. Now, and moving forward. If you have to get your lawyers to handle this with the state of Massachusetts, so be it. And you can hate me all you wish, but I should have regular work with these sections. Do not try and do some facile BS like 'Well, it's not the kind of writing...' because I know what the deal is and as would anyone presented with the information and a side-by-side comparison.


"And if you think I don't mean what I say, why don't you take a look at that blog. As you would say, 'pronto.'"


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