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Monday 3/17/25

Watch how easy this is.

He listened to every record.

They watched every sunset.

It's not

He listened to everyrecord.


They watched everysunset.

is it?


She went to the gym everyday.

isn't going to be correct, right? But

She goes to the gym every day.

will be.

See? Easy.


Woman posts the following

removing ppl as followers who follow me from this post without engaging with any of my other content is self care <3

along with two photos of herself in her underwear.

People are fucking insane. It's like 99.999999%. It's not some, it's not most, it's not the vast majority. It's almost everyone.

It's the internet and social mediazation and its taking over of our insides and converting what's there into something else, so that it's not longer there as what it was and, crucially, could have been.

A few Sundays back, I was walking through Haymarket a couple hours before dawn on a Sunday. Haymarket--the market--runs Friday-Saturday, so come Sunday morning you'll still find evidence that it had recently been there.

There were these signs all over the ground from one of the vendor tables with the prices of various fruits and vegetables written on them. In each instance, the wares, as such, had an apostrophe: Apple's, orange's, pear's, banana's, onion's, pepper's, etc.

How does this happen? It's not rare. Let's think about it for a second. You don't leave first grade without knowing how this works. What's a first grader, six-years-old? This is first grade literacy.

Did this person--and all of the people like this, because it's millions now--know this when they were in first grade, but have unlearned it in the decades since? They forgot? What they could do mentally when they were six-years-old is now too challenging for them at twenty-five, thirty, forty, fifty? Too hard?

But it's worse than that, if you think about it. Because what it also means is these people have seen something millions of times--because that's how many times you encounter evidence of how the plural works, whether you want to or not, just by being alive and having eyeballs--and they still can't get it. Still doesn't sink into their thick skulls which nothing--and by nothing, I mean close to nothing, because if you can't get this, you can't comprehend or know anything, because it doesn't get any more basic--can penetrate. There's no cutting into their stupidity.

We are so fucking dumb. We are so dumb that it's almost impossible to believe that it's possible. You start to question why we're here. We didn't make us. What made us just to be so stupid? What's the point? We don't have to be stupid. If people tried to learn, if people didn't stare into phones, if people knew more than thirty words, if people sought out intelligent things rather than what Taylor Swift is up to or what Stephen A. Smith said, if people got off social media, if people thought for themselves, if people exercised their brain, if people walked more, if people were open, if people were honest, if people were braver, if people listened to good music, if people sought ought things worth reading and read, if people spent more time with their own thoughts, everyone would be a hell of a lot happier and the whole would be exponentially better off. It'd be brilliant. Far, far, far, far, far from perfect. But this world would be so different as to be unrecognizable from what it is right now. There'd be less closet substance abuse, less loneliness, better employment opportunities. People would have a purpose, a reason to want to get up in the morning and thrive. Excel.

You know those people who think they're smart--or wish to pass themselves off as smart--who take the same social media post that millions of others like them have posted--they just copy and paste it, and are so dumb, and so mentally ill, that the faulty wiring in their brains makes them think they came up with it on their own--and say that seventy percent or whatever it is of Americans read at a fifth grade level or lower?

I'll look at some of the other things they post/comment on. And you know what? Those people are the people of that statistic. They think it's not them. It's you all day long, baby. And you're too thick to realize it. Because we think it could never be us. And you know what? It's almost always fucking us. Self-awareness does not exist in the world anymore. Or it's like one of those species that isn't extinct yet but it's about to become extinct, because there are only two surviving members of that species, and one is too old to breed. They're there for a bit longer, but the species is extinct in all but name only.

Same idea with dating sites. People blame dating sites. The dating sites have nothing to do with it. Everyone is the problem. People. How people now are. You're rubbing two insensate rocks together and hoping to get fire. How's that going to work? You're going to get nothing because there is nothing. People are empty. There's nothing in them but selfishness, narcissism, stupidity, laziness. They do the bare minimum. I have a friend. We'll call him a friend. He reminds me of nothing more than a dead rat. He's useless. You can't ask him to do anything. He's dead weight. A child. Not an adult. Would never rally from within. Won't rouse himself to do anything on his own. Totally undependable.

He's not someone in the fox hole, he's this fat corpus you have to sling across your already-weighted down back and lug through enemy fire as you do your stuff. It'd surprise me less if he invented another planet out of whole cloth one afternoon than if he ever got off his metaphorical ass with any alacrity, purpose, sense of empathy. He's just dead. But he respirates. No self-awareness. Takes no accountability. Has more excuses than hairs on your head. He's a walking excuse. The boy who cries wolf a million times.

I say he's like a dead rat, because we've all seen those videos where some scientist stimulates a dead rat with a jolt of electricity. The rat's body twitches. It sort of looks like it's alive. That's what it takes for this person to do anything in their life. Any damn thing. In thirty years, I've seen not a jot of personal accountability or growth. I've heard endless complaints and excuses. But not once has this person done anything at all. Or anything different. They wouldn't so much as get up fifteen minutes earlier to do some task. They're just technically alive, but they're really dead, selfish, weak, clueless, lost. And they will never change at all.

But, if you were right there, and you fired up the old electricity bolt, you might make them twitch so that they'd do whatever remedial task that would be at the end of that jolt, so to speak. I think, Why bother? Why be here at all? Where's your pride, your sense of decency, your morals, your respect for people, your self-respect? But people don't have these things. They don't care about these things. They don't even understand that these things are things. They have no clue what they look like, what they are. But they'll defend themselves against any and all reasonable, basic points of truth. They will have an excuse for everything. It'll never be their fault, it'll never be on them.

They'll just bitch and bitch and bitch and lie and lie and lie. But they won't do fucking anything differently. And they'll never hold themselves responsible. They're so fucked up, though, that they'll think that's what they're doing, because they never actually think for real. Not smart enough, not strong enough, not humble enough, not selfless enough, and too arrogant and selfish. People now have this capacity to trick themselves to a degree that they never have before. It's become how they survive, as such. And it's why they are miserable, or, at best, insensate, like a stump. That's why people can just discard people. It doesn't affect them. Nothing does. They are post-human. They're stumps. Mechanical stumps.

You have to be able to at least say, "Maybe I have everything fucking wrong and I need to start all the way over. Rip it down, be the naked babe, even here as an adult, and begin again." Even if that's not entirely true, that has to be your attitude, or you won't go in the necessary direction. You have no shot.

That's too much for people. They can't handle it ego-wise, and they can't face the possibility of a gargantuan task and what could be years and years of work.

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