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An amusing anecdote from the other day about my buddy

Friday 7/5/24

The other day, my mom was watching my sister's three kids for a couple hours while my sister went out and did something. The boy wanted to play ball, his eight-year-old sister wanted to draw on the driveway with chalk, and my buddy--my four-year-old niece, Amelia--wanted Gatorade.

First, a public service announcement regarding Gatorade: Don't drink it. Gatorade is loaded with sugar. I've never understood how it became the official in-game drink for athletes. All you have to do is look at the label. If you're thirsty, drink water. Now that's that's over...

Amelia secured a bottle of Gatorade, but she can't open it herself. She asked my mom to do this, and my mom said no. So Amelia trundles off I guess when no one was looking, and returns with one of those Drumstick ice cream cones. My mom tells her she's not allowed to have that--apparently as per orders from my sister regarding the proximity to dinner time and what not.

Amelia announces that she already opened the wrapper for the ice cream cone. My mom says, fine, she'll have to eat it then.

Amelia's snacking away, when she tells my mom, "You're going to get in trouble."

My mom is like, "Why? What did I do?" And Amelia replies, "I'm not supposed to have this."

My sister gets home, and Amelia is still working on the ice cream cone. My sister asks as to what is going on, and Amelia says, "Grammie said I could have it."

That's my buddy.


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